Join us at our December New Moon Women’s Circle on Sunday, December 29th from 7:30 PM - 9 PM PST at Bohemian Studios in West Seattle.
In a world that glorifies constant productivity and speed, taking time to rest becomes an act of defiance, a radical declaration that we are worthy beyond our output. Join us for an immersive experience dedicated to exploring rest as an essential form of resistance and self-preservation.
Through guided discussions, restorative practices, and meditative exercises, we’ll uncover the transformative power of rest and the ways it can heal, empower, and reconnect us to our authentic selves. Together, we will create space to pause, breathe, and resist the urge to "do" by embracing the beauty of simply being. This event invites everyone seeking to break free from the cycle of exhaustion and reclaim their right to rest, replenish, and resist.
What’s a women’s circle?
Women's circles are gatherings where women connect, share, and support each other. Rooted in ancient traditions and revived by feminism, they promote empowerment, healing, and community.
Sounds a little woo-woo, huh?
I get it. While I love the woo, I know that it can feel trendy and a little intimidating. What makes New Moon Mama different is that it’s rooted in practicality. What we learn during our circles can be applied to real life. There are no prerequisites. The only expectation is to be present and open.
What to expect:
We’ll start with grounding ourselves with some simple nervous system regulating exercises and a grounding meditation.
We’ll share. We won’t try to fix anything. We’ll just hold the space for you.
We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we might feel all our emotions in the span of 90 minutes… which, in my opinion, is the superpower of women. I promise we will not chant or cast spells ;)
I’m so excited to have this shared experience with you. Will you join me?
Limited spaces are available.