Upcoming events
Mid week medi
Join me for Mid Week Medis - a recurring weekly meditation offered virtually for the community.
Middle of the week (Wednesday)
Middle of the day (12 PM PST)
For all humans | FREE
You’re busy - hustling, breaking chains and caring for others…. Take a minute out of your day to just BREATHE.
Mid week medi
Join me for Mid Week Medis - a recurring weekly meditation offered virtually for the community.
Middle of the week (Wednesday)
Middle of the day (12 PM PST)
For all humans | FREE
You’re busy - hustling, breaking chains and caring for others…. Take a minute out of your day to just BREATHE.
Mid week medi
Join me for Mid Week Medis - a recurring weekly meditation offered virtually for the community.
Middle of the week (Wednesday)
Middle of the day (12 PM PST)
For all humans | FREE
You’re busy - hustling, breaking chains and caring for others…. Take a minute out of your day to just BREATHE.
Mid week
Join me for Mid Week Medis - a recurring weekly meditation offered virtually for the community.
Middle of the week (Wednesday)
Middle of the day (12 PM PST)
For all humans | FREE
You’re busy - hustling, breaking chains and caring for others…. Take a minute out of your day to just BREATHE.
Mid week medi
Join me for Mid Week Medis - a recurring weekly meditation offered virtually for the community.
Middle of the week (Wednesday)
Middle of the day (12 PM PST)
For all humans | FREE
You’re busy - hustling, breaking chains and caring for others…. Take a minute out of your day to just BREATHE.
Mid week medi
Join me for Mid Week Medis - a recurring weekly meditation offered virtually for the community.
Middle of the week (Wednesday)
Middle of the day (12 PM PST)
For all humans | FREE
You’re busy - hustling, breaking chains and caring for others…. Take a minute out of your day to just BREATHE.
December New Moon Circle - Rest as Resistance
Join us at our December New Moon Women’s Circle on Sunday, December 29th from 7:30 PM - 9 PM PST at Bohemian Studios in West Seattle.
In a world that glorifies constant productivity and speed, taking time to rest becomes an act of defiance, a radical declaration that we are worthy beyond our output. Join us for an immersive experience dedicated to exploring rest as an essential form of resistance and self-preservation.
Through guided discussions, restorative practices, and meditative exercises, we’ll uncover the transformative power of rest and the ways it can heal, empower, and reconnect us to our authentic selves. Together, we will create space to pause, breathe, and resist the urge to "do" by embracing the beauty of simply being. This event invites everyone seeking to break free from the cycle of exhaustion and reclaim their right to rest, replenish, and resist.
What’s a women’s circle?
Women's circles are gatherings where women connect, share, and support each other. Rooted in ancient traditions and revived by feminism, they promote empowerment, healing, and community.
Sounds a little woo-woo, huh?
I get it. While I love the woo, I know that it can feel trendy and a little intimidating. What makes New Moon Mama different is that it’s rooted in practicality. What we learn during our circles can be applied to real life. There are no prerequisites. The only expectation is to be present and open.
What to expect:
We’ll start with grounding ourselves with some simple nervous system regulating exercises and a grounding meditation.
We’ll share. We won’t try to fix anything. We’ll just hold the space for you.
We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we might feel all our emotions in the span of 90 minutes… which, in my opinion, is the superpower of women. I promise we will not chant or cast spells ;)
I’m so excited to have this shared experience with you. Will you join me?
Limited spaces are available.
November Women’s circle - communal processing
Let's circle up and do some processing together. Whether you're grieving, parenting, overthinking or processing the outcome of the election.
What’s a women’s circle?
Women's circles are gatherings where women connect, share, and support each other. Rooted in ancient traditions and revived by feminism, they promote empowerment, healing, and community.
Sounds a little woo-woo, huh?
I get it. While I love the woo, I know that it can feel trendy and a little intimidating. What makes New Moon Mama different is that it’s rooted in practicality. What we learn during our circles can be applied to real life. There are no prerequisites. The only expectation is to be present and open.
What to expect:
We'll process as a community, form alliances and move foward together.
We’ll start with grounding ourselves with some simple nervous system regulating exercises and a grounding meditation.
We'll go into a deep, visualization and meditation
We’ll share. We won’t try to fix anything. We’ll just hold the space for you.
We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we might feel all our emotions in the span of 90 minutes… which, in my opinion, is the superpower of women. I promise we will not chant or cast spells ;)
I’m so excited to have this shared experience with you. Will you join me?
Limited spaces are available.
About the Fee:
Money, like energy, flows throughout the universe. It represents the exchange of value and the interconnectedness of all things.
Your contribution is used for renting our sacred space, financing future events and helping me to create and evolve New Moon Mama.
New moon circle - real self care & values based boundaries
What is self care? Like, actually? Is it really bubble baths, meditation and 14-step skincare routines?
According to Dr. Pooja Lakshmin, while these things are lovely, they may actually be categorized as faux self care.
“Faux self-care keep us looking outward—comparing ourselves with others or striving for a certain type of perfection. Worse, it exonerates an oppressive social system that has betrayed women and minorities.
Real self-care, in contrast, is an internal, self-reflective process that involves making difficult decisions in line with our values, and when we practice it, we shift our relationships, our workplaces, and even our broken systems.”
Join us in our next New Moon Circle, as we yet again, break down systems that don’t serve us and create ones that do:
Debunk the myths of self care, values and boundaries
Establish values-based self care for yourself
Calm your nervous system, connect with support women and be held in a community of sacred sisterhood.
Flower moon & Beach fire at lowman Beach park
Join us on the (almost) full moon as we gather and celebrate our connection to nature. We’ll tap into our creativity to honor the Flower Moon as make beauty with flowers. We’ll end our evening with an abbreviated women’s circle on the beach and enjoy casual conversation.
Happening at Lowman Beach Park.
Hot tea and cocoa will be provided. Dress warm. This event is FREE!
Burnout to Breakthrough | New Moon Circle at bohemian studios
Join New Moon Mama and Serena Argens, the founder of Rise and Shine Bright Community as we discover what causes burnout and how to transition out out of it so we can feel fulfilled and thrive.
4801 Fauntleroy Way SW Suite 112,
Seattle, WA,USA
Walking meditation & Beach Nature circle at lincoln park
Join us on the (almost) full moon as we gather and celebrate our connection to nature.
We’ll start with a grounding, walking meditation through the trails to the beach for an abbreviated women’s circle and casual gathering.
Happening at Lincoln Park in West Seattle. Hot tea and cocoa will be provided. Dress warm.
This event is FREE!